Hooray! A bundle of joy joining your family AND you’ve got a new room in the house to decorate. Whether it’s your first, third, fifth, your soon-to-be-niece or nephew, or little godchild, nesting in a nursery is a deliciously special occasion. Yes, this room is for the new baby - their first EVER abode. But, it’s also a place where you (and the whole family!) will be spending a lot of time. Late nights, early mornings, and everything in between. That’s why it is of the utmost importance to create a true sanctuary in every sense of the word.
Is it just us or does the concept of a traditional nursery conjure up bright, Crayola colors with stuffed teddy bears the size of horses? A solid sea of baby blue or baby pink? Or, in more recent times, a colorless grey abyss? Today, we’re here to advocate that this crib doesn’t need to be dumbed down, cotton candy covered, nor neutral to the point of no stimulation.(Note: taking in color is part of development! Start ‘em young.)Whether you’re opting for a gender neutral lewk or prioritizing nods to blue and pink, don’t be afraid to give your nursery a more elevated, delicate aesthetic. A nursery doesn’t have to feel childish simply to feel appropriate for a child. Quite the opposite, a nuanced nursery with nods to different fairy tales or even global cultures can feel nourishing in the most subtle way.
Here are a few tips:
1. Color Theory - Instead of bright baby blue, try mixing navy and indigo with shades of grey. Don’t be afraid of reds, greens, browns, and, yes, even black (black crib - so chic right now!) are all incredibly soothing colors, so don’t shy away simply because they aren’t traditional.
2. Pattern Play - Wallpaper, patterned sheets, a fun kilim rug: work pattern in to create a magical jewel box, pair down the urge to all-over-pink that place out, and/or camouflage stains (they definitely happen!).
3. Object of Your Affections - Accents and art objects are a wonderful way to progress a nursery as a child develops (both age-wise and personality)! Colorful, interactive accents can give depth and intrigue to a nursery, making it into a little cavern of wonderment for all who enter. Toys like rocking horses, abacuses, and unique crib mobiles can add to the playfulness of the room. And, double whammy, entertain bébé, too.
Photo courtesy of @swaystudio.